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Book Reviews

No Turning Back
A book review of Nancy Guthrie's Even Better Than Eden

When Love Came Down
Brief review and recommendation for an unfinished book!

Advent Bible Reading
Here's a suggested Bible reading scheme taken from the book, "The First Days of Jesus"

God's Big Picture
Tracing the story-line of the Bible

Taking people to Jesus - a book review

Becoming a compelling community (II)
Part II of lessons we can learn from the book The Compelling Community by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop

Becoming a compelling community (I)
A summary of lessons learnt from the book, "The Compelling Community" by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop

Why not ditch the Bible this week?
A review of the book, "Reverberation", by Jonathan Leeman

What should we expect from politics?
Some reflections on David Van Drunen's book "Living in God's Two Kingdoms" and how to view, and engage with, the state
Seeking to let God's Word speak and shape
Emmanuel Church Bath
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